A review by porge_grewe
The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay


3.5 stars - A slightly disappointing horror. The story is an excellent idea: A group of cultists turn up at your home and tell you that you need to kill a member of your family or the world will end. Unfortunately, it never quite lives up to that premise, never really hitting the notes I expected from that idea, and never subverting it in a satisfying way. The book is well-written, if a bit too purple for my taste, with characterisation appearing as a particular strength - Wen and Leonard are particular highlights - But the narrative voice and the choice to feature multiple points of view do not really pay off: Wen would likely have worked best as the main POV character.

I still enjoyed the book overall, but it is a shame that I did not leave the book interested in reading more from Tremblay.