A review by bethpeninger
The Secret of Chimneys by Agatha Christie


This was not a favorite. And it was one of Christie's earliest published books so I do think she was still finding her way with her style, her characters, and her storylines.

Anthony Cade has been asked to deliver some scandalous papers to a newspaper and the newspaper isn't the only interested party. Some other letters become a feature in this story when a woman is blackmailed over them even though they are not hers. Cade and this woman, Virginia Revel, are thrown together over a dead body and the simultaneous blackmailing and the much-sought-after scandalous papers. Superintendent Battle is introduced in this first of five titles he appears to investigate the multiple things going on. Another character, Bundle, is introduced in this title and will appear in book 2 as well.

This felt like a long read, much longer than it actually was. I think that was due to the multiple things going on. What I did enjoy about it was the introduction of Superintendent Battle and Bundle. I also enjoyed reading about the dynamic that Christie utilizes in later titles as well between male and female characters.