A review by gigishank
Still Life by Louise Penny


SOMEONE recommended this book to me, must remember never to trust them again.
- author bends over backwards trying to have characters that are eccentric, instead they are just unbelievable, way over the top
-do adults really bully other adults in a community if they don't have to have anything to do with them?
-there is a gay couple, and sometimes they are reserved and normal, then suddenly they act in the most annoying sit-com gay couple way
-a main character, Clara, is portrayed as messy with bad hair, but only once in a while, again, forced eccentricity
-of course, she turns out to be a brilliant artist
- why introduce an eager police woman, and then turn her into an eye-rolling idiot?
-the characters were cartoons
All the characters were unbelievable and unlikeable.