A review by eantoinette285
The Kiss Plot by Nicole French


This book, much like installment one, was SUCH a rollercoaster. Eric and Jane love each other like no one’s business, and it seems like that’s exactly the problem. Their love is EVERYONE’S business. When Eric’s past comes back to haunt him and do everything in their powers to rip his marriage apart, the newlywed De Vries are forced to make a decision that could change everything they’ve built together; cut and run, or put an end to the insanity and start fighting back as a team.
The emotions are fully charged in part two of this trilogy. Both Jane and Eric feel like their hearts and minds are at war throughout a good chunk of this book so you can’t help but keep turning the pages. In The Hate Vow, the pair had to face society of the New York elite, a world in which Eric was born, and Jane had to learn to navigate quickly. Now, the challenges they face are far more sinister and somehow even closer to home. When an estranged member of Jane’s family makes an unexpected return, all bets are off and the relationship they knew is officially in jeopardy.
I loved every crazy twist and turn of this story. Eric and Jane have a less than conventional love affair, but their chemistry is fantastic, and a bond you can’t help but envy. I both loved and hated every torturous moment of their tumultuous relationship and much like The Hate Vow, I was left wanting more. While not quite the cliffhanger as book one, The Kiss Plot did have me chomping at the bit to see how it will all end in book three. Jane and Eric are two strong characters determined to have their happily ever after, even if they have to find it in two different worlds.
If you’re looking for a book that is full of sexy chemistry and tons of drama and thrills, go meet Eric and Jane De Vries in the Quicksilver series!