A review by itskeerstin
Brothersong by TJ Klune


3.75 rounded up? I always liked Carter, and I love the idea of a character who’s always believed they were straight falling in love with a person for who they are and not their gender. I have a similar issue to Heartsong where it was harder for me to buy into Carter leaving everyone and breaking pack bonds to go follow Gavin for almost a year. I didn’t feel the connection between the two of them before this happened. I know all of the wolves could “see” it and just didn’t say anything to Carter, but I don’t think it was ever conveyed on the page well enough for me to buy into it.

I liked when they came back to Green Creek and started to fall in love with each other. I liked seeing the pack teach Gavin the things he’d missed by being bitten so late.

The ending with Ox sacrificing himself was HEARTBREAKING and I love that the woods of Green Creek gave back to the pack to take Joe’s alpha strength to bring Ox back to life. I loved all of the cameos of dead-ghost-wolf-Thomas.

Overall, I really love this series. Book 1 is one of my all time new favorites and none of the following books even came close to how that one made me feel, but I still love it all. <3