A review by pagesplotsandpints
Last Man Standing by Craig A. Falconer


<b>Read Completed 8/15/24 |</b> 3.5 stars
This was an enjoyable read, and definitely fitting for fans of Andy Weir and A.G. Riddle, as mentioned. It was a fun, easy sci-fi concept about a man who's a visiting researcher on a space station when everything goes terribly wrong. 

Is this the best writing? No, but it was entertaining. Admittedly, I did get tired of Ray talking to himself for a long time. It has THE MARTIAN vibes in that sense, but this felt to be a bit more obvious. That does come to an end, but I was starting to grow tired of it after a while! 

I don't know a lot of technical anything -- computers, science, space, etc -- so usually any inaccuracies just go over my head and I can enjoy a piece of fiction for what it is. It was odd -- I felt like there were things that probably weren't accurate though I couldn't tell you what they were. There was a little bit of Macguyver-ing things when stuff wasn't working and some of the things Ray had to do felt over-the-top, but technically, it was fine by me. 

The plot was a little heavy-handed as well and I could see some of the twists and betrayals coming. Again, just a little over-the-top, but if you're just looking to be entertained and not looking for the most amazing sci-fi series, this is a fine book! (Or maybe you love it, you know) 

This is a longer series and I'll happily keep it on the back burner for when I'm in a reading slump to pick up and continue on when I need a series to come back to! For now, I have other things on my TBR that I need to get to first.