A review by the_jesus_fandom
Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz


 Okay. So I know this is a boy’s book. I am not in the target demographic. I’m still right. 

This book has very little depth or originality. It has all the cliche spy things: the main character has learned karate since he was 6, villains have huge skars and German accents, there’s a whole expository monologue and a giant squid. 
The main character hitches a ride on the outside of a plane. Very Vector from Despicable Me of him. 

All of the journalists laugh at the PM’s joke because the government had such a large majority that they knew it was in their best interests to laugh… the government of Great Britain hopefully does not work like that. 

During aforementioned expository monologue, the villain tells of how he was cruelly bullied as a child and it was bad. What does our hero say to try to get him to stop his evil plan? “Lots of people are bullied at school…” Ooh. How very 14-year-old boy of you.