A review by inkerly
Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest & Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics by Henry Hazlitt


DISCLAIMER: I did not finish this book. But, I do have my $.02 to put into it.

The bulk of it was very Economics 101, which i liked. If you're on the cusp of learning concepts like supply and demand, and the history of supply and demand, I'd recommend it. Somewhere along the road I lost interest, mainly due to the review complaints about it being focused on Austrian economics and philosophy-----Ok, I'll admit that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

As much as I wanted this book to align with my personal philosophies of finance, it started to lose credence in my mind once I realized how narrow a perspective it was. While it is basic, it is not necessarily 'accurate' in today's modern society, though shards of evidence in Hazlitt's book resonate with the current economic climate.