A review by itskeerstin
Hooked by Emily McIntire


I’m writing this review 8 days after I finished the book, and I’ve read like 6 books since finishing this, so I read the synopsis to try to refresh my memory and the synopsis is… not how I would describe this book, haha. HOWEVER. I love retellings of Disney stories and this had plenty of twists! Wendy goes to Hook willingly, then he kidnaps her and she stays on his yacht with his yacht-guy Smee. Her dad is dating Tink, her dad is a bad guy but she has no idea! Her brother is actually Hook’s half brother! Smee is actually Hook’s cousin and when Hook killed his uncle, Smee got all mad! Exclamation points! I really enjoyed all the twists, and the spice was good but I would have liked it to be even a little darker considering how much of a villain Hook paints himself to be. But I looooved the way he called Wendy “pet”. :)