A review by sarahscupofcoffee
Serious Moonlight by Jenn Bennett


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So, I didn’t pick up this book because it sounded like a good story. I didn’t even read the back-of-the-book description, actually. I had no idea what this book was about. I knew that it had an adorable cover, it was written by an author that I have an ARC for (Chasing Lucky) and it made it to the bestseller’s list. So, I had to read it.

I didn’t know what it was about and if I had read the description, I may have wrinkled my nose at it. However, I’m elated that I went in blind because it was a great ride.

I noticed that it’s categorized as a mystery, but I wouldn’t label it that way. This is a romance, not a mystery. It has a mystery element to it, but if you’re a die-hard mystery fan... this won’t scratch your itch.

The Writing

Jenn Bennett is a goddess. I’m a pretty slow reader, compared to other readers in the book blog world. I read about one book per week, generally. I ripped through this 427-page book in three days. I loved her writing style.

I’m going to love jumping into Chasing Lucky and I’ll probably be ordering all of her other books. I can tell Jenn Bennett is going to be one of my favorite authors. This is the first book I’ve read by her, but it won’t be the last.

If you asked me what I liked about her writing, I would probably give you a blank stare. I’m not sure. I just do. If you held a gun to my head and told me to answer the question, I probably would say how easy it is to read. Her style is flowy and effortless. She describes settings beautifully and her characterization is incredibly diverse.

Specifically, I loved her characterization. None of her characters were boring. All of them had their own quirks and individuality.

Another thing I want to point out is that the chapters are headlined with quotes from mystery novels. I love that.

For Teachers

Both of these characters are over the age of 18, so technically this would be in the new adult genre, however, it's written and loved as a young adult novel.

That being said, there is sex in this book. References to oral sex, condoms, multiple sex scenes... none of them are terribly graphic, but the references are there and obvious.

I would send out permission slips because of its sexual nature and limit it to high school reading.


As I mentioned above, this is not a mystery novel. Yes, mysteries are solved, however, the main focus is romance. If you’re a mystery fan and you’re looking for a story that will stump you, this is not your book. This is a flirty romance book that has a mystery as a subplot disguised as a main plot.

This is not a bad thing. I recommend this book for people who love young adult contemporary romances, with a splash of mystery. They make a lot of references to old fashioned mystery books, so it’s a great shout-out book. I highly recommend it.