A review by wingedcreature
Pandemic by Yvonne Ventresca


I've been excited about Pandemic for a while- excited enough to start reading it when it came out. I really liked it, and it's one of those books I won't forget anytime soon.

A horrible, horrible strain of the flu breaks out, which becomes a disaster as it spreads all over the world. What makes this book frightening and terrifyingly real is that it's a scenario I can see happening. Especially since it seems like it really could happen any time now.

And the flu combined with all of Lil's issues were a good combination. Having enough supplies and worrying about things like global pandemic and infectious diseases seemed to be Lil's way of dealing with the Mr. B incident months earlier at school. I really felt for Lil and everything that was going on with the pandemic. There's so much going on, and I was definitely interested throughout the entire book. It's a book where no one is safe, and I liked that you never knew who was going to die, and that it happened to people you got to know. Ventresca didn't shy away from that at all, which made the book feel so much more realistic.

I love that Lil's good side really came through and that people came together to make sure people were taken care of. The hope that people have and trying to get through hard, scary and uncertain times really came through and there is a definite sense of community in the book. Which was nice. There really is a good balance of hope and community along with uncertain scariness.

Let's Rate It: I really enjoyed Pandemic! It's action-packed and realistic...like, creepy, scary realistic. Pandemic gets 4 stars.