A review by adayania
The Stolen Heir by Holly Black


This is a great book. However, I have to admit I am a little disappointed that the surprises and twists were "hinted" at so early and often and unsubtly that it lacks the shock factor of similar twists of TFOTA books. I enjoyed the story, but I did not have the jaw dropping OMG moments of the previous series and that is disappointing because that "What did I just read?!" Is what I've come to expect from Holly's stories.

That said, this is a good story with solid writing and I had a hard ugly cry in the middle at a very beautiful scene. It made me hug my kids that much tighter a little longer.

Spoilers ahead

Why was she left for the humans to raise? What possible advantage would that be for anyone?

Why did her mother allow her to be abused for so long? Why didn't she try to protect her? She didn't she at least bring her some food for the eight years she was starving and on the run?

If she's made of snow and cannot get cold, why can she be hurt? Why does she bleed?

What up with Bex? I feel like there was a lot of hinting and build up for her and then there was no conclusion. I guess we're saving her for book two but it feels weird to spend so much time on her and then just.... not do anything with her.

What is going on with Taryn? Her baby who should be seven by now? Her drug addiction?

Did Vivi ever make things right with her girlfriend? Is Oriana okay?

Who is Nicasia planning to marry? How did these immortal beings go from being so powerful to about to lose their throne in eight years? Especially during a time of peace?

Why didn't Oak call on the Kelpie to help them get through the troll woods?

Finally, I'm supposed to believe Wren spent most of her life trying to free people only to enslave her love at the first possible opportunity? I understand her fear of abandonment and her desperation to be loved are fueling this imprisonment, but keeping him as a prisoner under the guise of a lover would have made more sense. A hospitality like what they experienced in the troll forest, where it seems the Oak is a guest but he's an unspoken prisoner would have fit better. And she never would have used that bridle on Oak, no matter how angry.

Still, I liked it. I do feel like a few more rounds of revising could have taken this from good to great.