A review by keelreads
The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro


"We must listen to the women who came before us. We change the future by unloading the sorrow of the past. We sever the cord of generational curses."

The Haunting of Alejandra is a beautiful and haunting tale of mothers and daughters battling a monster of a generational curse. A cautionary tale not just of La Llorona, but of the idea that if you do not choose to break that generational curse, your lineage is forced to endure the cyclical trauma. This novel blew me away. Castro created incredibly strong characters within Alejandra and each of the women that we encounter throughout the story. The characters were all incredibly well-rounded and relatable, some were even easy to hate, *cough cough* Matthew.

The Haunting of Alejandra follows Alejandra herself, as she battles what she believes is depression, suicidal thoughts, and hallucinations of a woman in a white dress. That is until her children, especially her oldest daughter, begin to encounter the same "hallucination" as she, La Llorona. Alejandra knows that La Llorona is after her and her family. With the help of her therapist and biological mother, Alejandra uncovers the truth about this monster that has been haunting her lineage for generations. Alejandra has to call on the spirits of her ancestors to rid the world of this curse before it devours her family.

This is a must-read for everyone!