A review by wyntrchylde
What Do We Know about the Roswell Incident? by Who HQ, Steve Korté


What Do WE Know About The Roswell Incident?
Author: Ben Hubbard
Publisher: Penguin Workshop
Publishing Date: 2023
Pgs: 107
Children’s Literature

Why this book:
While searching for other books, I went down the rabbit hole of UFO and aliens books at my local branch library and…well, here we are.
The Feel:

Favorite Concept:
“It’s all fake. It’s all fake.” But then, you have people, believable people, telling the story, not the UFO or alien or flying saucer story, of how they were told to shut up and not say anything ever, either because it would be unpatriotic or because “something bad will happen to them.” Seems like a lotta work for a weather balloon in the New Mexico desert.

The photographer being brought in to take the photos, then having his camera and film taken from him, and finding himself on a transfer to Antarctica immediately afterwards is classic. That is exactly the type of thing that the Army/Army Air Corps were notorious for in that era. Friend’s brother went through a similar no notice transfer, his to an Alaskan outpost, though this was because he danced with an officer’s wife, not aliens.

Uhm Moments:
The nurse, Naomi Self, isn’t real. But a refuation of what she saw is mentioned in the Air Force’s Case Closed file that was supposed to be their final word on the subject. :/

The Sigh:
The nurse story was debunked.

Labeling Bob Lazar a security guard is erroneous too. He was decidedly more than that.

Suspension of Disbelief:
Much is expected of something that tries to explain conspiracy theories. This leaves its facts in a bad light with limited research and bad reporting.

Confirmation Bias:
This plays hard to my confirmation bias.