A review by lovewitch
Unfollow: A Journey from Hatred to Hope by Megan Phelps-Roper



Gramps is a bitch that deserved to die alone in a hospital.
cults fascinate me and honestly i will never fully understand why people join. sorry but some of you are just stupid.
years ago i used to visit the GodHatesFags website. it's a truly insane website. funny but not funny at the same time.
WBC members are huge attention seekers. honestly it's kind of pathetic.
i did love it but it was a bit repetitive and Megan doesn't really want to drag her family. i understand why she wouldn't want to but your mom is a bitch i'm sorry but why are we sugarcoating it? also why are we praising your lawyer family? they are hateful bastards that use religion to excuse their actions. they know what they are doing.
she went from living with WBC members to living with Jehovah's Witnesses... choices.
this is a memoir of parts of her life and doesn't really explain much about Westboro Baptist Church so if you want to get it to understand why they are the way they are don't get it.
sometimes i feel like she doesn't truly understand how dangerous what they are doing is and the way she talks about their actions feels like she is trying to justify them.
the gay people she met are way too fucking kind. couldn't be me.
I've seen her TED talk and it's more interesting than this. also The Most Hated Family In America was a really fun episode.