A review by bookishhill
Sworn to the Shadow God by Ruby Dixon


3/5 ⭐️s

Loved the first one, but this one felt so tedious. And Max is probably the stupidest heroine I’ve ever read. It wasn’t even endearing - just frustrating. I get RD wanted to show her as trusting, but that doesn’t mean she had to lack all common sense. And choosing to give Rhagos the one aspect of the first book that was annoying was…definitely a choice.

Rhagos and Max were an overall boring couple, but cute enough to keep me interested through the entire book (which was a solid 200 pages too long). There were a handful of moments where I felt their chemistry, but those were few and far between.

Kassam’s book already sounds more interesting than this one, and I’m excited to see how he handles everything that’s been thrown at him!

Spice: 2.25/5