I really like Alice Feeney’s writing and the tension was definitely built up throughout this, but the ending just fell sooo flat for me. The reveal that you were reading Kitty’s perspective under the guise of Abbey felt awkward and nonsensical. It seemed like we completely glossed over the whole Grady trying to kill Abbey bit, too. It’s too rushed in the explanation and just gave me whiplash from going, wait what? Everything came together so awkwardly and barely made sense. I like good twists, but nothing felt like a realistic ending. It was all so far-fetched. It also felt like it was going for this feminist message about this all woman island, but it’s this kind of shallow feminism. Just removing all men is not the answer to all of the world’s problems and doesn’t result in this perfect, peaceful society. Everything up until the last like third of the book was pretty good, but it just completely derailed for me as soon as it started to try to explain itself.