A review by travellingcari
A Year and Six Seconds: A Love Story by Isabel Gillies


I went into it with minimal expectations - I'm vaguely familiar with her work as an actor, but a friend invited me to an upcoming booktalk and I figured I should at least thumb through this so I was familiar with her work as an author.

If I'd started reading this earlier in the day, I would have finished it in one setting. I could not put it down. Her writing is so compelling and this is every woman's story- love, loss and children. The premise is, you may know in six seconds if this is The One -- but that even The One might not be the forever one. She'd relocated do Oberlin, Ohio for her then-husband's job and within a year and a half, he'd left her and their two young boys. This is the story of Gillies' move back to NYC, her childhood bedroom and a mix of the practical (establishing residency to be qualified to take over her parents' lease) to the amusing: hanging a Red Hot CHili Peppers' poster in her former and current bedroom. THe story culminates in her meeting and marrying her second husband, also a divorcé.

An excellent read -- her voice is strong and her writing is engaging.