A review by nlwisz
The Haunted Bridge by Carolyn Keene


Okay, so we’ve gone from a sailing vacation to a golf resort. Nancy apparently is an excellent golfer (of course) and here we see her qualify for and compete in a tournament. Even though the tournament is not her first priority (duh, sleuthing is always #1), and even though she has an injured hand, she still manages to beat these other (presumably) semi-pro players. Nancy also has to deal with some flirtatious dude who keeps trying to mess with her as she attempts to solve the latest mystery, which involves a buried treasure chest she casually found. One which a local gardener has been searching for forever (there goes Nancy again, defying the odds!) As usual, Nancy is drenched in a rainstorm and falls into a ravine after a bridge collapses. (I’m seriously beginning to think that Nancy’s most useful skill is her ability to swim.). In keeping with ND tradition, people who sustain severe injuries just sleep it off, and Nancy finds time to go to church in the midst of everything else going on.