A review by catcardoso
A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray


Where do I begin... I wanted to like this so much especially because I have heard such great things about this. Unfortunately, I was rather disappointed. Perhaps my expectations were too high on the traveling between dimensions part of the story. I was expecting to be completely transported between worlds and not being able to put this book down. Instead of a page-turner it turned more in a desperate hope for something to make me want to turn the page. I was also extremely uncomfortable with the way Marguerite positioned herself in relation to the men in her life*.


Particularly when she referred to herself as a "fragile bird" whilst Paul was described as "broad/masculine protecting her" (during a rather uncomfortable sex scene, chapter 15). I have often analysed the way women are portrait in pieces of media, particular films and books, and this was a classic example of the positioning of a woman surrounded by male figures to protect her. In a failed attempt to make her the hero of the story instead it just further reinforced the stereotype of women as fragile, dependent on a man. And I won't even talk about how disturbing it was that she forced herself onto a version of Paul from another universe whilst knowing it was wrong.