A review by itskeerstin
Window Shopping by Tessa Bailey


OOOOOOOH. Didn’t know (yes I did) that I’d love a Buddy-the-Elf level cheery-in-public-man who’s a filthy dirty talker in the bedroom. Yes, I did. I loved that our heroine is just released from prison and gets a chance to start over and is so vocal about wanting to stand on her own two feet. The tension was fantastic and when it all finally culminates, it felt a little rushed but also perfect. The third act breakup was a little dramatic on Aiden’s part, but let our heroine stand up for herself, which she needed. And as someone who has had a TOXIC best friend for decades and just broke up with her this year myself, I completely related to her anxiety over Nicole and I LOVED when she put her in her place finally. Cutting out toxic “best friends” is A+, god tier.