A review by ithinktfiam
The Long War by Terry Pratchett, Stephen Baxter


The first was just ok, but this makes The Long Earth seem like a work of art. Its a muddled jumble of right wing tropes that are, as they usually are, inconsistent. Just in the first 20 chapters, we get:
- Amerka is great and has the right to spread its power across all the worlds in the same territory
- Amerka is taxing without representation, so it's ok for other worlds to think of independence
- Pot is bad
- Link pot to the supposed hallucinogenic overdose of a young woman
- Claim the flowers causing the former should be burnt, as if they aren't everywhere
- Justify the father's killing of the supposed drug dealer
- Equivocate of slavery of trolls. After all, maybe those whips aren't really that bad
- And more

Then there's the idiotic concept that while there are lots of parallel earths, there's only one with people. Yet, somehow, as you move out, not only are there not people, there aren't even Neanderthals, until we get to sentient "trolls" and doggies, as if somehow the almost similar earths skipped over close evolution for weirdness.

I barely gave the first 3 stars. If there was a lower rating than one, this would get it.