A review by the_ya_assassin
Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar


Shveta Thakrar's "Star Daughter" is a lyrical masterpiece. I loved the beginning of a very mortal world, the dreariness of it, then it transforming into the magical and beautiful home of the Stars.

I don't know if I missed the meaning of it or not, but I found myself wanting it to dive deeper into Hindu mythology. I don't know if I just couldn't relate or understand it, but I wanted more information.

Sheetal was an amazing heroine. I loved the concern she showed for her father when she burned him, the heartbreak of a teenage when Dev and her fought, the mystical and happy feeling she got when she went to the Night Market . . . She was relatable and I cared for her. I couldn't wait to see what would happen next.

One thing I'm curious about was why the author included the section where Sheetal was blamed for stealing the marionettes. I saw no point in this, because she didn't get caught nor did she actually steal them. Someone HAD framed her, but we never found out who, nor were there any repercussions for it. I almost wish she had been caught when she went to return so there could be more tension.

This book and its world . . . I could get lost in it. It's so magical and beautiful, I don't think I'll ever get enough. It's relatable (Sheetal's family is complicated and intricate). I liked the addition of a little romance between Dev and Sheetal too. I enjoyed this "Star Daughter" immensely.

There is enough room at the end to continue Sheetal's story. Even if the author says that for now it will only be a standalone, I have a suspicion she'll return to it and give us more.