A review by cneywendleton
Love Beyond Time by Bethany Claire


Overview: Bri is a kindergarten teacher and daughter of an archaeologist in 2013. Blair is the daughter of Laird MacChristy set to wed the Laird Conal in 1645. Bri and Blair are identical in looks, but stark opposites in demeanor and characteristics. While on a dig in Scotland with her mom, Bri stumbles upon a portrait of herself with an inscription underneath. Blair, upset at her upcoming wedding, also stumbles upon the same portrait and reads the words allowed, at the same time as Blair hundreds of years in the future. The incantation causes them to switch places. With the aid of Bri's mom, Blair learns about the unknown massacre and believes that is the reason the witch of Clan Conal made the spell, so she could learn of the attack and go back to stop it. Bri, slowly remembers why her mom was working on the ruins and the attack comes back to her. She explains everything to her new (accidental side effect) husband and they prepare for battle. Over time both girls fall in love with their new times and do not want to leave. The battle ensues, but the Conals change history.

Opinion: It was good. A real page turner, but something about the beginning seemed...clumsy. The writing got better as you go along, and the beginning does lure you to keep going it just seems a little lacking. Great other than that.

Recommend: Yes