A review by devannm
The Brightest Fell by Seanan McGuire


Another amazing yet infuriating book in this series. I feel like I've been saying that about the last three books, but the villains are all so horrible and incredibly easy to hate lol. Amandine is the literal worst and it is entirely incomprehensible to me that she doesn't understand why Toby hates her, but I guess purebloods just be like that sometimes all the time. Also Seanan, how dare you make me fall in love with Simon???? What is this??? I didn't sign up for Simon Torquill feels and yet you've given me more than I can handle. I mean I never really hated him, but that was more like 'ok he's the silver tongued asshole twin and he's a total douche but he's probably fun at parties' kind of thing and not like ...actually making him relatable. You never know what to expect with this series lol