A review by hessionsreadingworld
Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch


#4 for 2019 PopSugar Reading Challenge: a book set during the season it is read in (Winter).

LOVED this book. It has been on my TBR pile for a bit and finally picked it up. I read it in a day almost.

Fantasy novel set in a world where there are 8 rulers: 4 Season Kingdoms, 4 Rhythm Kingdoms; 4 Queens, and 4 Kings.

A young, orphaned girl, Meira, must help the few refugees from Winter gain their magic conduit (a necklace) back, and reclaim their land from Spring, ruled by an evil King, Angra. Strong female protagonist, a love for Winter and all things cold and snowy; this is a great book for those looking for an adventure tale. I already got the next book in the series "Ice like Fire" through Overdrive and am looking forward to going back to Winter.