A review by imyourmausoleum
To Marry an English Lord: Or How Anglomania Really Got Started by Gail MacColl

informative medium-paced


 Anglomania is the excessive admiration of English customs. English customs are very formal compared to American customs, even today. Particularly in the late 1800s and early 1900s, American heiresses desired to live in grand manor houses, participate in formal parties, have a fancy title, and travel to places abroad. Around 100 American heiresses married men abroad, bringing with them large sums of money to bolster failing estates in exchange for a noble husband with a title. This book only highlighted a few of those American women, but it gave a very nice glimpse into entire institution.

This book was suggested to me because I am a fan of both Downton Abbey and The Gilded Age. I really enjoyed getting to know some of the women who left the United States to marry overseas. This author has published other books that look really interesting, which I will be adding to my excessive to be read list. She has a wonderful way with words, making the story really engaging. I appreciated the research she put into this book, and her use of quotations by the people mentioned in the book.