A review by imme_van_gorp
The Romantic Pact by Meghan Quinn


This book doesn't really offer anything special or noteworthy. To be honest, it was kind of boring and even frustrating at times. None of the characters are particularly likable and neither did I care much about their relationships with one another.

The two romantic leads, Hazel and Crew, have known each other since they were kids, and they were apparently very close, until Crew just randomly decided to not talk to her for four years. Does he have a good reason for this which will be revealed later? Nope. He just one day decided to 'ghost' her: His reasoning is that he just felt like he had better things to do. Oooookay, not a great start to a romantic love story if you ask me.
Which follows is a week in Germany in which these two apparently fall madly in love, ready to risk it all for each other. Lovely. Great. I don't care. Their trip was boring and I didn't see their connection. I feel like the only reason they even got together is because they are both freaking obsessed with Crew's grandfather. I swear to God, that man got on my damn nerves. He was incredibly manipulative. Therefore none of the many scenes regarding him resulted in an (undoubtedly intended) emotional reaction, if anything it just led to one of my far too frequent eye rolls. 
Oh, and if my annoyance towards the grandfather wasn't enough, Hazel and Crew got on my nerves plenty of times as well. Their communication was so bad, and they, especially Hazel, were so goddamn insecure all the time. I wanted to scream: “Just talk to each other! Just be clear about what you want and have trust in each other. Stop with all the angst. Jeez.” Unfortunately, though, one cannot scream at fictional characters. Or well, you can try, but it's not going to do anything. So, of course, they did not get better at their communication, and a lot of insecurities and crying by our so called bad-ass female lead, Hazel, came out of it as a result. Ugh. 

I am kind of disappointed with this author when it comes to this book. I expect humour from her. I expect lovable characters that I end up really rooting for. I expect my heart to flutter at an adorable and swoon-worthy romance. But nope, she apparently lost all of her usual writing skills this time around and produced something that makes me question if the amazing series I read by her before was a one-time thing and if maybe I shouldn't bother reading anything by her again. Because seriously, this was so bland. So incredibly bland.