A review by theqissilent
Virgin Dancer by Deborah Court


It took me far too long to finish this novella. And its was because it was such a frustrating read - and something about a hurricane Sandy or whatever. The author has potential, but reading it, you get the impression that she's trying to write the book like she thinks its should read)probably based on every other romance she's read) instead of just writing HER book. Or that she's retelling the story, maybe (there's something about the use of words/phrases like "because", "and then", "while", etc. that read like a summary)... I have great admiration for indie and self-published authors, as its something I want to explore in my own publishing career, but I see the benefit of having a publishing houses' staff on-hand to catch sometimes glaring errors (like "quieten" which is not a word and the -, combo that she used several times).
There were some issues with continuity: the robe/tight dress/robe thing, did the jacuzzi ever get turned off; Aspergers and autism aren't quite the same thing and aren't necessarily interchangeable; Was Jade always a redhead or did I just read that wrong; Nor did I get the impression from the earlier description that her family was the kind to just toss a special needs kid into a facility and leave him there.
The use of the passive voice was overdone. There were awkwardly worded sentences, and ones that were way too long and lost meaning and clarity. Some of the diction didn't work for Americans, e.g. when she asks to be let out of Ascobar's car, instead of demanding it and that "why do you wish to buy me things" line. That and the lack of contractions in their dialogue seemed unnatural.
What I did like was that Jade gained some depth in her obvious love and protectiveness of her brother. And I also liked that she was 22 years old and still a virgin, and not like some romances I've read with women in their 30s having never even kissed a man. A bit unbelievable in this day and age, unless is spiritual.
Overall, its a romance and it met all the requirements: beautiful ingenue, brooding male lead, sex, and this had the bonus of added suspense. I think it would've benefited from another read-thru or 2 and expansion into a full-length novel. There was a lot going on crammed into those 90 pages and some things didn't get fleshed out enough. I will still give her other novels a read, b/c I've heard they are better and like I said, she has potential.