A review by shellballenger
The Kingdom of Copper by S.A. Chakraborty


Type of read: Commuter Read.

What made me pick it up: I read 'The City of Brass' back in June and the trilogy hooked me!

Overall rating: First things first, can we talk about how this audiobook is over 20 hours long?! I was very apprehensive to dive back into the audiobook version of The Daevabad Trilogy as I struggled with the first book (go check out that review for details on that) but holy buckets I'm so happy I took another chance. I think 'The Kingdom of Copper' is even better than its predecessor. There was greater character development, I felt like the break up of storytelling between characters was more clear, and there was definite growth in the story. There were also many times throughout the book that I was utterly speechless, completely caught off guard, and had no idea the story was going to take the turns it did. I do believe I'm slowly falling in love with the craziness that is Daevabad. One of the things that I still struggled with in 'The Kingdom of Copper' is the names. Everyone obviously has their formal name and a nickname but then there are so many nicknames and terms of endearment that it's hard to keep everything straight. It was a little easier this time around since I knew a bit more about what to expect, but still a bit blurry. If you enjoyed or were on the fence about the first book, take a chance on 'The Kingdom of Copper.' I'm now prepping myself for the final installment (which I believe is nearly 30 hours of audiobook...come on people, can we PLEASE stop having ridiculously long books)!

Reader's Note: 'The Kingdom of Copper' includes themes of slavery, rape, war, and racial hate/injustices.