A review by zombeesknees
Touched by an Alien by Gini Koch



I mean, the concept is ludicrous but also sort of amazeballs. The heroine/narrator is named KITTY KATT, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. And OF COURSE the good aliens would all be hunks in Armani who are immediately crazy for Kitty. But even despite the ludicrousness and cringeworthy-at-times writing, I could hardly pull myself away from this.

Scads of Deus Ex Machinas? CHECK.
Protagonist who immediately rises to the challenge and saves the day rather easily despite never having previous military or alien experience? CHECK.
Incredibly fast love story that has the main characters hooking up within 24 hours and then professing love a day after that? CHECK.
An entire plot expounded through dialogue in a matter of pages? CHECK.
Clunky writing and hasty characterization? CHECK.

All of this adds up to more eye-rolling and incredulous squawking than I could possibly have kept track of. But EVEN SO: I had fun. It was most certainly a guilty pleasure, Oh-God-why-am-I-doing-this-to-myself? sort of fun. But FUN.

...Am I seriously considering buying the next in the series tomorrow at work? PERHAPS.