A review by joergr
With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful by Glenn Greenwald


A very good but depressing account of the state of the rule of law in the US: Non-existent. While the wealthy basically now trade a system of favors for never being held accountable for their crimes (starting with the Nixon pardon, going on and accelerating today under the Obama-administration for the banks), the poorer ranks of the US are locked up in a prison system so strict and large it's in a league of its own in the world. This started in the 60s, when after the civil rights movement the language shifted from racism to being "tough on crime", which of course does not work but is a main pillar of any political campaign today. But - don't fret - with alleged terrorist who aren't even persons anymore, a new bottom layer has been founded and is defended by the Obama administration. The US are a plutocracy, a police state and an oligarchy now - Gleen Greenwald makes the succint case why, and also shows that the media happily cojoin in the process.