A review by wahistorian
A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership by James Comey


This book is more important than ever, as Donald Trump strips the government of anyone who disagrees with him or simply demonstrates any independence whatsoever. (Kirstjen Nielsen, Jeff Sessions, are you listening?) I am convinced of Comey’s integrity, even if I am unsure that his multiple pre-election announcements about Hillary Clinton’s innocence were really necessary. Comey articulates what ethical and caring leadership looks like, using examples from throughout his own life; these early chapters turn out to be more compelling than the Trump-related parts that everyone was waiting for.

His take on Trump bears quoting, however, because we’ll be thinking for decades to come about his ruinous administration and why we allowed it. “Donald Trump’s presidency threatens much of what is good in this nation.... This president is unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values. His leadership is transactional, ego driven, and about personal loyalty.... (p.275). I see no evidence that a lie ever caused Trump pain, or that he ever recoiled from causing another person pain, which is sad and frightening. Without all these things—without kindness to leaven toughness, without a balance of confidence and humility, without empathy, and without respect for truth—there is little chance that President Trump can attract and keep the kind of people around him that every president needs to make wise decisions. That makes me sad for him, but it makes me worry for our country (p.268).”