A review by marissuhrose
King Elijah by D.L. Blade


* I received an Advanced Copy of King Elijah in exchange for an honest review *

Make sure you read The Sea of Zemira (The Zemiran Chronicles #1) before reading King Elijah as it has information in the first book that you will need for King Elijah.

I want to start by saying this is a wonderful book and I am excited for the next book (hurry up D.L. Blade, that cliffhanger is getting us!)

If you're someone who ADORES Enemies-to-Lovers, magical creatures, a semi pirate story, plot twists, and a fiery female character The Zemiran Chronicles is definitely going to be a series you will love.

It was wonderful reading and getting to see Elijah's and Janelle's story while still getting some of the original characters like Lincoln and Nola and other pirates from the first book while also having a separate love story and interest in King Elijah.

Overall I really enjoyed this book and the adventure I went on with these characters. D.L. Blade is a wonderful author and really takes her readers on a journey with how descriptive and everything is from the character descriptions to the world she created.

I just have to say this was a phenomenal read and I cannot wait for the next book in this wonderful series.