A review by jpaulthunders77
The Initiation by Nikki Sloane


I was so conflicted on how to rate this one. Is this a fantastic story? NO. Did I enjoy it? YES.

The writing was okay, it was lustful, sensual, and sometimes... poetic and dramatic. Marist, the protagonist, is just a bronze-coated, faux gold protagonist with pretentious 'depth'. She's rich, but she's the less hot version of her sister, she's anti-social, and reads a book at a party. She's virgin but she's also super duper horny. Like, isn't that the blueprint of most NA heroines to date? Royce is also your typical rich, brat boy who would lure you with his blue eyes, panty-dropping looks, deep voice, and suave words. He'll make promises and you'll believe it for sure. :P

Then, there's this correlation of Greek mythology as symbolisms in the book. At first, I thought that the Greek mythology references were cool, but the more it was mentioned, the more it was stated in your face, instead of just making a subtle comparison. I cringed and rolled my eyes sometimes, but I still pushed through. You know why?

Because it was addicting and SHORT. Each chapter ended with a cliffhanger, and there was just a lot of drama and juicy secrets in this book that made me want to read the next chapters. There were also things that I didn't expected
oh yes, that bon appetit semi-orgy with the board members, Alice sucking Vance's dick, and the ending where Royce agreed to his father's deal to have sexual relationship with Marist in exchange of a huge amount of company shares. I thought there would be a happy ending because it was marketed as a ROMANCE, but I was wrong. It wasn't as dark as other people pointed out but yeah, Royce sucked and Marist sucked, too for believing his promises. Maybe this will be settled on Book 2??
. I also didn't care that much on their 'romance' because it was just about lust—sex, making out, and touching. Like seriously, you would believe that a bully guy like Royce, who had called you a nobody, would be IN LOVE with you? Come on! It's too good to be true. There were a lot of red flags, hovering above this guy, but she still chose to ignore it because she believed that HE WAS DIFFERENT from his manipulative father. Girl, the apple doesn't fall far from it's rotten tree, especially if his goal was to defeat his father and take control of everything.

I must applaud the author for developing the sexual tension. That's the strongest aspect of the book, in my opinion. So many sex scenes!!

It didn't need to be a high-class literature, just wish-fulfilled, fun, and steamy fantasy—and as a trashy reader sometimes, I kinda dig with it????