A review by theqissilent
The Confessions by Tiffany Reisz


"Sorry, Bartleby. This is Confession. No secrets here."

Yes, please! I will never get enough of this series and these characters. The more we find out about the the Unholy Trinity the better. Oh, and Father Ballard is so great, isn't he? How can you not love a man who plays Clapton and teases and banters with Søren? Søren! And who's a shoulder to cry on for our Nora?

“It hurts when we realize we can’t give everything to the person we love, that we can’t be everything to the person we love.”

Nora, Kingsley, and Søren are so close to each other, and we see them mostly through each other, that sometimes you forget there are other facets to their personalities. Seeing Nora and Søren through Father Ballard's eyes (and maybe Kingsley too one day. That would be interesting...) is like being let in on an intimate secret. Their vulnerabilities and doubts make them that much stronger in my eyes. There are so many layers to them that I hope we get to explore more in the future (go buy these books, people!!).

And then Tiffany gifts us with her own Confession that digs even more into the books. So amazingly deep and detailed, with so much hidden meaning and symbolism and beauty in the words on the page.

It's hard not to just gush over The Confessions or any Original Sinners novel for that matter, but they are gush-worthy. If you're a fan of the series and you love Nora and Søren (or even if you don't love Søren, especially if you don't love Søren, because you should and you will), this is a must read.

**ARC provided by the author and publisher in exchange for an honest review**