A review by ms_tiahmarie
Broken Light by Joanne Harris

~Some women have inner goddess: I have my inner critic instead, who sounds something like my mother.~

~A man's rage may be more physical, but a woman's rage is born from centuries of violence.~

~And yet, I thought, how often we hear the phrase; it's just hormones. As if hormones were not the most powerful force in the human body. Hormones tell us what to do; when to grow; when to sleep; when to eat. Hormones regulate temperature; fertility; muscle development. Hormones trigger every stage of the body's development. Hormones dictate our mental health. They drive our personality. They are the source of all power, all change in the body and the mind.~

~Smallness in women is a measurement of virtue.~

~A mother loves her child for who they are, not for what she thinks they should be.~

~Not all men find guilt in their hearts. And yet, all women find damage.~

~'Survival isn't brave,' she said, 'Sometimes it's the only choice.'~

~Young people think in absolutes. But love is a trap that closes very, very slowly. Not like the Venus flytrap, in spite of its more suitable name, but more like the cobra lily, that guides its victim gently downwards into the killing jar.~

~Perhaps I hold on to people so hard that I end up breaking them.~