A review by pagesplotsandpints
You Will Never Be Me by Jesse Q. Sutanto


<b>Read Completed 8/22/24 |</b> 3.75 stars
YOU WILL NEVER BE ME was a really fun read! Jesse Q. Sutanto is an author that I just picked up in the last year or so and I've really been enjoying her books. I loved the darkness creeping into each one of them and this toxic friendship story was no exception. 

The beginning was just a little bit slow, and most of the time, it was really hard to follow these two main characters. Both are influencers that have made posting on social media their careers and everything about them is fake. We as the audience are supposed to know that, though, and it's just painful watching them be miserable but relishing in the praise of their social media audiences. There's also a fair bit of rivalry as the friend who was the protege takes over in follower count and popularity, creating our main exciting hook! 

I really liked this back and forth between the two friends and there's the anticipation of what might happen now that they're estranged from a huge blow-out fight. There's also so much tension, never knowing if the other person is going to sabotage the other. There's an excellent twist that I REALLY enjoyed (it's one of my favorite thriller concepts) and I did not see it coming. 

The second half of the book lost a little momentum, but I was definitely still interested in seeing how it ended. It was also a tad predictable because once I was about halfway through, I figured that's how it would end. 

I still enjoyed this read, even though I had hoped to be sucked in just a bit more, but the twist really sold it for me!