A review by phallucee
Tempting the Beast by Lora Leigh


I read this book over a decade ago (not that I remember it anymore after 100's of romance and other books) and now I'm listening to the audiobook as I'd like to read or listen to the whole series which stands at over 20 books now!

I cheated a bit by jumping back into the series with Mercury's War to see if Lora Leigh's writing still appealed to me and it did. Unfortunately this first book of the series is NOT appealing to me at all. I'm over halfway through and I HATE that Merinus (a virgin *eye roll*) talks about her wet cunt. I'm sorry, I just can't picture a virgin using that specific word for her vagina. It's my least favorite term for female genitalia although it can be kinda hot when the male H uses it as sexy dirty talk in bed or something. Also, I never want to hear the word frothing in regards to a vagina or vaginal "juices" ever again. This book had a special talent at making sexy scenes ENTIRELY un-sexy.

The whole book so far and the plot has mainly revolved around sex and jumping from sex scene to sex scene. I'm no prude and I prefer more and hotter sex scenes compared to just one to three lackluster, short or vague scenes in a romance book but this book just has zero substance imo.

At this point, I'm not sure if I'll continue to book 2 or skip ahead to the book directly before or after Mercury's War since it seems the series gets better by then.