A review by pagesplotsandpints
A Marriage of Lies : An unputdownable psychological thriller with a breathtaking twist by Amanda McKinney


<b>Read Completed 6/3/24 |</b> 2.75 stars
A MARRIAGE OF LIES was decently entertaining but ultimately pretty predictable. The previous on Hoopla promised "GONE GIRL like twists" and I guess I can see it, but when people read GONE GIRL, they didn't see it coming. This didn't really surprise me in any way and I felt like a lot was pretty obvious. There was one thing I didn't pick up on, but I figured out a piece of it before the whole was revealed. 

The writing style was just average! It wasn't horrible but it felt a little unpolished. Maybe this just isn't my style, the same way I don't enjoy Freida McFadden's writing style, so maybe fans of FM will like this more than I did! I has a very good rating and plenty of fans. I just felt like it was pretty forgettable and followed a ton of thriller tropes and concepts that I've already read many times before. This wasn't breaking any boundaries and didn't really have anything that will stick with me, but I don't regret my time reading it either. I'm sure it'll just fade into the background, though, sadly.