A review by katharine_opal
Cosmoknights: Book Two by Hannah Templer


Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

Volume keeps up the quick pace of volume one, and it's so good. This volume delves a bit more into the world, and the questions I had during volume one about the functions of the royalty have been answered! I also like that the characters have conflicting ideologies about how to do direct action. One of them wants to make change while staying within the current system, but the other wants to completely dismantle the system from the outside in. Both of them have the same end goal, but wildly different ideas on methods of how to get there. It's a very real reflection of real life, where you could all agree on what needs to be done, but not on HOW it should be done. I also love how the relationships between several of the characters, both romantic and platonic, are developing in a way that feels so real. It was also great getting to see how Bee and Cass work together in their relationship. They are very different people, who think in very different ways, but they also have such a healthy relationship. I'm always fond of books that have their characters actually talk it out so they can better understand how the other one feels, instead of having them get stuck in a misunderstanding rut. Also, I love the princess character! She's a great example of there's more than meets the eye. The diversity of body types is also something that I loved seeing. It's just casually there, but I love it so much. The plot twist with the one character, I sort of guessed, but I didn't guess how amazing she would look! The rag-tag crew is slowly expanding and feels like it's going to fall squarely into the Found Family trope, which is one of my absolute favorite tropes. The action scenes were fantastic, the artist made them feel so dynamic and intense! So excited for the future third volume!