A review by achristinething
Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty


This book really surprised me. I had heard it described as "Mean Girls For Grownups" and I thought it would be funny and a little fluffy.

It was definitely funny (the detective interviews) but it was definitely not fluffy. It touched important serious issues and the story was woven perfectly. The plot surprised me. It's a book that I want others to read so we can discuss it. It makes you think about how you judge people, what you really know about your friends, and secrets.

I love it when just a little bit of information can completely change your perspective on a situation or on a character (Kind of like how my feelings for Sirius Black changed in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban").

I even liked the ending and I don't usually like book endings (either I find them too sappy or unsatisfying). It was totally worth staying in my pajamas until noon to finish it! ;P

Some language and mentions of sex but nothing unnecessary or gratuitous.