A review by papidoc
Counseling With Our Councils: Learning To Minister Together In The Church And In The Family by M. Russell Ballard


I first read this (gratefully) as a relatively new, and often less than effective, Bishop. With tremendous insight, doctrinal support, and wonderfully pragmatic instruction, Elder Ballard laid out how to use counselors and councils in accomplishing the work of the gospel. At the same time, I was serving as the chairman of the Management Department at my university, and I found this wonderful book equally helpful there as well. True principles are effective, regardless of where they are applied! Among the topics addressed in this book are:

1. How to plan and conduct a ward or stake council meeting.
2. What individual council members can bring to their assignments.
3. How to make better use of the accumulated wisdom, inspiration, and experience of all council members.

Highly recommended for anyone in a leadership position in the Church (or out), whether young or old, male or female, etc.