A review by onemanbookclub
Percepliquis by Michael J. Sullivan


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What is the bibliophile's dilemma?


The books you can't help but read as fast as possible are the same books you wish would never end.

Solutions? I'd love to hear them.

Until then, I hope to find more books that hurt as good as The Riyria Revelations.

This series is just fun. It's fantasy with twists and red herrings. Elves, dwarves, goblins, and dragons. Thieves and nobles. Kings and queens. Swords fights. Mysteries to solve. Characters that stick with you. Lost treasures. Magic. Tragedy. Betrayal. Villains. Heroes. Sacrifice. Triumph. Happy endings.

It's not without it's flaws. Literary purists might not make it past the convenient plot resolutions or the entire first book (that was rough...).

But reading is about fun, and there are mountains of fun to be had here. Reading these books made me really, really happy.

Doesn't sound good to you? Go read a biography.

It's violent without being gory, and the language stays PG and never uses 4-letters. It's high suspense and lots of action. The 12-and-up crowd will eat it up.

Note that the publisher took the original 6 books and make them into 3 volumes, each with 2 parts. So instead of 6 separate books you'll likely see these three:

Theft of Swords
Rise of Empire
Heir of Novron

Happy reading!