A review by jonfaith
The Year of Dreaming Dangerously by Slavoj Žižek


Oh that 2011 was an eventful year. I can make other glib statements. For instance, that Slavoj Žižek, he's some guy, let me tell you. The Year of Dreaming Dangerously is a wonderful title, giving nods to a largely forgotten novel and film about Aussies in Indonesia. Mr. Z writes about 2011 in a concealed subjunctive, noting with what may be the future result of the worldwide tumult. Will 2011 be considered another 1968 or 1989? Ziziek isn't sure but he pens a number of essays which cite Lacan and Marx and through which Zizek brings attention to often ignored arguments about the world we inhabit.

Each essay is distinct and anyone expecting a narrative view of Egypt, Greece or Occupy Wall Street should probably look elsewhere. Anyone in the mood for incandescent thought on the state of the world should investigate.