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A review by alexandrabree
Sybil Exposed: The Extraordinary Story Behind the Famous Multiple Personality Case by Debbie Nathan


I loved this. I have dug out my old copies of the Three Faces of Eve and Sybil for a reread.

I would have gone into the diagnoses of hysteria alongside its history with things like witch hunting, possession, sainthood (megalomania) and laughing fits, and all other fits a little more. And highlighted how the condition of MPD morphed into the satanic panic and recovered memory (while it was mentioned I felt it was more of a tibit/footnote and not a BOLD highlight) I would have also mentioned that how once these culture bound syndromes are "created" or "fashioned" they are there to stay. We are currently seeing the re-emergence of MPD/DID/"multi-system" personalities through tiktok (which is also breeding a symptomatic tourettes, gender dysmorphia, gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia anxiety and depression).

Alongside these add ins; shortening Dr. Connie and Flora's backgrounds , that segment could have gotten the point across while more concise.

This will be well worth rereading in the new year happy 2024!