A review by justjeanettelee_reads
The Lost Stories by John Flanagan


I read this instalment by each short story. I then wrote small, individual reviews for each of them and gave them a score out of 5. The only two that got 5/5 were "The Bridal Dance" and "The Hibernian". The worst were the "Foreward" and "Purple Prose". I then decided to average the overall reviews and it came to 3.45, so I decided to round up to 4 stars, purely because I did enjoy reading this book compiled of short stories answering fan questions. I cried, I laughed. I wish that Tug didn't have to meet the end of his career that way. I can't believe Evanlyn (I'm like Will - she'll never be Cassandra to me) is expecting, can't believe Evanlyn and Horace, as well as Will and Alyss got married! Gosh, everything I hoped to happen ever in the series - like Gilan and Jenny getting together, learning more about Halt's past - I got it in this novel and I'm truly grateful for it. John Flanagan is a master of his craft and I couldn't be prouder to say that "The Ranger's Apprentice" was one of the first fandoms I ever joined. In fact, in pretty sure it was the third, after Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. Now it's on to the final book, and to meet the end of my favourite characters *sad face*.

PS: Would totally love a series completely devoted from the time Halt left Hibernian until he took on Will as his apprentice! I would buy that, and read it again and again!