A review by pagesplotsandpints
Keep Your Friends Close by Joanne Ryan


<b>Read Completed 6/9/24 |</b> 2 stars
I contemplated rating this higher but the ending was far too messy, far-fetched, and poorly written in that I couldn't give it 3 stars. 

KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE was actually entertaining enough and I was interested to see how the whole story was going to play out, but ultimately, nothing really made any sense. All of these weird things kept happening to Mia and then she suspects the people closest to her of sabotaging her.... but once we get the reveal of what it is and why... the why is just stupid. 

Mia finds out that her roommate and best friend has been sabotaging her for the past 9 months, making her think that she killed her boyfriend Marco but SURPRISE Marco is actually alive, actually in love with Carrie, and working with her to gaslight Mia. They drugged her with all sorts of illegal drugs to make her freak out and hallucinate, all to steal her money. Ummm, okay? But Carrie has been LIVING WITH HER and pretending to be her BEST FRIEND for FOURTEEN YEARS to pull off this plan. No no no, this thing happened where she shoots Marco and that's what spurs this on? What were you doing for the past 13 years then? Plotting this until something good popped up? No way someone is that close to someone who they hate for that long, loaning out their boyfriend to a serious relationship. Furthermore, how was Marco still alive? We really never touched on that one. Was he not hit seriously? Was he wearing a bullet proof vest? There was definitely blood. They planned on Mia shooting him? It was all so stupid. And she just randomly has these connections where she can make all this go away. Yeah, not buying it. And the only reason Carrie did this all was because she doesn't like that Mia is rich. Ooookay. So are a lot of people? 

Then in the end, Carrie and Marco turn up dead because ANOTHER TWIST -- Mia had them killed by hiring a hit man. See, she has experience with the dark web. Ha, okay. But Carrie stole her money before she died. Cool, so you're paying a hit man with money from your bank account? None of this was well thought-out. Good bones, good concept, huge plot holes. I was actually interested in this, which is why I'm giving it two stars, but it was way too poorly tied together.