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A review by krayreads
Wretched by Emily McIntire


i don’t know what miss mcintire puts in the pages of her book but it’s magic. every book in this never after series has me ADDICTED from page one. her writing is literally perfect for a short, adventurous, hot time. EVELINE IS MY NEW FAVORITE HEROINE. she’s intelligent, brave, bold, and badass as fuck. she doesn’t give a fuck what anyone says or does, she’ll do things her way or no way. and the way she commands nick is bad bitch energy and the way he DOES ANYTHING SHE WANTS. my god. the tension between these two…it made the smut CRAZY hot. whew chile…..

“Eveline please! I’ve got kids. Mouths to feed.”

“I know. I just don’t fucking care.” PERIOD!!!!!