A review by adrihean
Sister of Starlit Seas by Terry Brooks


In the Viridian Deep world where Fae and humans reside but do not mingle with each other, Charlayne, the rebellious Forst Sylvan Fae, has been trying to find where she belongs since she ran away as a young teen. Char having been a part of a pirate crew for a few years needs to save her one true love, the captain, Becklin that has been kidnapped by The Faraway Trades Company slave traders. In her escape plan she is captured and almost dies but finds out more about herself that she had no idea she was even capable of. Her almost death spurs the need for Char to understand how she survived and to understand how she did not know crucial things and lacks memory of before she was adopted by her mother as a child. She starts an adventure across the seas and land in search of answers about her birth mother, her adopted mother, and her heritage. She navigates the chaos of her life to protect her one true love the captain, a stunning water Fae that tempts her, her friends, and people in need. She is doing all this while finding out where she belongs and balancing what’s most important to her.

Sister of Starlit Seas by Terry Brooks is a roller coaster of action, emotions, and stunning scenery. I was instantly sucked into the world building. I gave it 5 out of 5 stars because I enjoyed every moment of the book. My only dislike is that some cities in the story were not on the map. The thing I liked most was that Char is a good fighter and has detailed well planned attacks, but it usually ends up her having to find plan b’s because things such as her size works against her. It’s a wonderful book about self-discovery, found family, and mending broken homes.